강릉대학교 전임교원 교수 신규채용 심사기준
1. 전임교원 신규임용 심사절차
가. 서류심사는 교무처장 주관 아래 교무과에서 구비서류 충족여부를 「서류심사조서」에 의해 심사한다.
나. 기초심사(20점)는 심사위원 5인(학내 교수 3명, 외부전문가 2명)을 총장이 위촉하여 실시하며, 기초심사 위원은 교수신규 채용「기초심사 평정표」에 의해 심사 후 교무과에 제출하며, 평가항목별로 최고점수와 최저점수를 제외한 3인의 평균점수를 개인별 점수로 한다. 합산 평균점수가 10점 이상인자를 가(可)로 판정한다.
다. 전공심사(70점)는 전공심사Ⅰ(서류심사)과 전공심사Ⅱ(공개강좌)로 각각 구분하여 심사위원 5인(학내 교수 3명, 외부전문가 2명)으로 총장이 위촉한다. 기초심사에서 가(可) 판정을 받은 자에 대하여 전공심사Ⅰ(서류심사)과 전공심사Ⅱ(공개강좌)로 구분하여 실시한다. 전공심사Ⅰ(서류심사)은 심사위원이 교수신규채용「전공심사평정표」에 의해 심사하여 교무과로 제출하며, 평가항목별(연구실적, 경력, 발전기대성)로 최고 점수와 최저 점수를 제외한 3인의 평균 점수를 개인별 점수로 하며, 전공심사Ⅱ(공개강좌)는 심사위원별로 최고점수와 최저점수를 제외한 평균점수로 한다. 공개강좌는 기초심사와 전공심사 점수를 합산하여 상위 3배수 이내인 자에 한하여 심사한다.
라. 면접심사(10점)는 면접위원회에서 실시하며, 각 면접위원별로 최고 점수와 최저 점수를 제외한 3인의 평균 점수를 개인별 점수로 한다.
마. 심사단계별 심사위원 결원 시 점수계산은 3인 평가시 평균, 4인평가시 최고점을 제외한 점수합계의 평균으로 계산한다.
바. 지원자가 1명인 채용분야는 기초심사 및 전공Ⅰ심사를 동시에 실시할 수 있다.
사. 합격자 결정은 기초심사, 전공심사 및 면접심사 점수를 합산하여 고득점순으로 한다.
2. 심사 절차별 세부 심사기준
가. 서류심사는 교수 채용 공고에 의한 자격여부, 연구 실적물 충족여부, 구비서류 충족여부를 심사하며, 심사는 교무처장이 주관하되, 가(可) 또는 부(否)로 판정한다.
나. 기초심사는 기초심사평정표에 의거 항목별로 심사하여 합산점수 10점 이상인 자만 가(可)로 판정하여 전공심사를 실시하며, 항목별 배점과 심사기준은 다음과 같다.
1) 최종 학위논문의 일치도 : 5점
(80%이상 일치 : 5점, 60%이상일치 : 4점, 40%이상 일치 : 3점, 20%이상 일치 : 2점, 20%미만일치 : 1점)
2) 학사, 석사, 박사 출신학과(전공)일치도 : 5점
(학사일치 : 1점, 석사일치 : 2점, 박사일치 : 2점, 석박사 통합과정 일치 : 4점) 다만 일치도 비율에 따라 학사일치도는 1점, 0.5점, 0점, 석사일치도는 2점, 1점, 0.5점, 박사일치도는 2점, 1점, 0.5점, 석박사 통합과정 일치도는 4점, 2점, 1점으로 한다.
3) 연구논문 일치도 : 5점(80%이상일치 : 5점, 60%이상 일치 : 4점, 40%이상 일치 : 3점, 40%미만 일치 : 2점)
4) 최근 경력 일치도 : 5점(80%이상일치 : 5점, 60%이상 일치 : 4점, 40%이상 일치 : 3점, 40%미만 일치 : 2점)
다. 전공심사는 각 전공심사평정표에 의거 심사하고 기초심사 점수와 전공심사Ⅰ(서류심사) 점수를 합산하여 상위 3배수 이내의 자에 한하여 전공심사Ⅱ(공개강좌)를 계속한다.
1) 전공심사평정(Ⅰ)은 다음 사항을 서류로 심사한다.
가) 연구실적 : 35점
나) 경력심사 : 10점
다) 교수구성상황 : 5점
라) 발전기대성 : 10점
2) 전공심사평정(Ⅱ)(10점)은 공개강좌 형태로 심사한다.
3) 세부심사내역은 다음과 같다.
가) 연구실적(35점)
(1) 대상 : 모집분야와 일치하는 최근 4년 이내(최초 공고일 기준)의 모든 실적물을 제출하되 200% 이상 인정되어야 한다. 200% 미만 제출자는 심사대상에서 제외한다. 공고일 현재 출판된 논문은 인정하고 모집 분야와 일치도를 평가한다. 다만, 치과대학은 서류 제출일 현재 통과된 박사학위 논문은 200%, 석사학위 논문은 100%로 인정한다.
(2) 연구실적점수 환산율 : 연구실적점수 산출공식은 (공동연구자 수 반영률)×(학술지 점수 반영률)×(연구실적물의 질 계수)×(연구실적물의 채용분야 일치도)로 한다.
(가) 연구자수 반영률
⒜ 단독연구 100%, 2인공동연구 70%, 3인공동연구 50%, 4인이상 공동연구 30%, 10인이상 10%
⒝ 제1저자인 경우 2인공동 80%, 3인공동 60%, 4인이상 40%, 10인이상 20%
⒞ 제1저자가 명시되지 않은 경우 저자 배열순에 따라 제1저자로 간주하고 책자 또는 논문형태로 출판하지 않은 연구물과 게재예정은 인정 않음. 다만 교신저자가 있는 경우에는 교신저자와 제1저자를 동등하게 인정함
(나) 학술지점수 반영률
⒜ 국제 저명 학술지(SCI, A & HCI, SSCI) : 1편당 10점
⒝ 기타 국제 학술지(SCIE, Index Medidcus 및 국제 저명 학술지에 준하는 학술지) : 1편당 6점
⒞ 학술진흥재단 등재(후보)학술지 : 1편당 6점
⒟ 학술진흥재단 비등재 전국 규모 학술지(3편까지 인정) : 1편당 2점
⒠ 전공저서(ISBN 등재 또는 동등 출판 여건 구비, 개정판, 증보판 제외) : 1편당 7점
⒡ 전공번역서, 편저(ISBN등재 또는 동등 출판 여건 구비) : 1편당 3점(3편까지 인정)
⒢ 전공관련 연구보고서(2편까지 인정) : 1편당 책임연구원만 1점
⒣ 전공관련 특허(2편까지 인정) : 1편당 1점
⒤예술․체육계열 실기(연구, 발표, 전시, 입선 등)에 관한 심사기 준은 별도로 정함
⒥치과대학에 한하여 박사학위 논문은 200%, 석사학위 논문은 100%로 인정하며, 학술진흥재단 등재 학술지와 동일한 점수를 부여한다.
(다) 연구실적물의 질 계수 : 연구실적물의 질 계수는 상(100%), 중( 90%), 하(80%)로 평가한다.
(라) 연구실적물의 채용분야 일치도 : 연구실적물의 채용분야 일치도는 상(100%), 중(65%), 하(30%)로 평가한다.
나) 경력심사(10점)
(1) 대상 : 최근 5년 이내(지원 마감일 기준) 경력으로 하며, 중복되는 경력은 유리한 경력 하나에 대해서만 평가하고, 6개월 미만의 경력은 평가 대상에서 제외한다.
(2) 세부배점기준
(가) 4년제 대학에서 전임강사 이상의 교육경력 : 1년에 2점
(나) 전문대학에서 전임강사 이상의 교육 경력 : 1년에 1.5점
(다) 4년제 대학, 전문대학에서 시간강사 경력(1년 기준) : 주당 9시간 이상 1점, 6시간이상 0.6점, 3시간 이상 0.3점
(라) 채용분야와 관련된 국․공립연구소 또는 이와 동등한 연구소 근무경력 : 책임자급 연구원 이상 1년에 1.5점, 준책임자급 1년에 1점, 일반 연구원급 1년에 1점
(마) 박사학위 취득 후 공식기관의 연수경력 : 1년에 1점
(바) 고등교육법에 의한 초빙교원(객원교수 등), 겸임교원 근무경력 : 1년에 1점
(사) 이외에 경력 기준은 교수자격기준등에관한규정에 표기된 최대비율 적용(석․박사 과정 연구경력은 제외, 다만 치과대학은 박사과정을 연구경력으로 인정) : 1년에 1점
다) 교수구성(5점) - 신규교수 채용 해당학과 교수충원에 따름
(1) 동일대학 학부와 박사학위 출신자가 3분의 2를 초과 : 2점
(2) 동일대학 학부 출신자가 3분의2를 초과 : 3점
(3) 동일대학 박사학위 출신자가 3분의 2를 초과 : 4점
(4) 위의 사항 모두에 해당되지 않을 경우 : 5점
라) 발전기대성(10점) - 채용 후 연구와 학생지도 등 다음 심사사항에 대하여 A(2점), B(1.6점), C(1.2점), D(0.8점)으로 평가한다.
(1) 학과발전 기여 예상도 : 2점
(2) 학생지도 기여 예상도 : 2점
(3) 학문발전 기여 예상도 : 2점
(4) 연구능력 예상도 : 2점
(5) 발전잠재 가능성 : 2점
마) 공개강좌(10점) - 심사위원 및 학생을 대상으로 강의 40분, 질의응답 10분으로 하며, 강의는 3개의 주제를 부여하여 지원자가 1개를 선택하도록 한다. 심사는 A(2.5점), B(2.0점), C(1.5점), D(1.0점)으로 평가한다. 다만, 평가항목 중 자료 활용도는 A(2.5점), B(2.0점), C(1.5점)으로 한다.
(1) 발표 내용에 대한 숙지도 : 2.5점
(2) 발표 내용에 대한 자신감 : 2.5점
(3) 발표 능력 : 2.5점
(4) 자료 활용도 : 2.5점
라. 면접심사(10점)는 다음 심사사항에 대하여 A(3.0점), B(2.5점), C(2.0점), D(1.5점)으로 평가한다. 단 강릉지역 상주 가능성은 A(4.0점), B(3.5점), C(3.0점), D(2.5점)으로 평가한다.
1) 의사발표의 정확성, 논리성 : 3점
2) 용모, 예의, 품행 및 성실성 : 3점
3) 강릉지역 상주 가능성 : 4점
3. 합격자 결정
○ 기초, 전공, 면접심사 결과를 합한 점수의 초빙분야별 최고 득점순위로 1, 2, 3 순위를 결정하고 1순위자를 인사위원회에 부의한다. 선순위자에게 결격사유 발생시 차순위자로 한다.(단, 차순위자가 거부의사를 밝힐 경우 채용을 중단함)
Professor at Kangnung National University
1. Procedures for new appointment of full-time faculty members
end. Documents shall be examined by the Office of Academic Affairs under the "Documents Examination Dossier".
I. The basic examination (20 points) is conducted by the president with 5 jurors (3 professors in the university and 2 outside experts), and the basic judges are submitted to the administrative division after examination based on the " , And the average score of three persons excluding the highest score and the lowest score for each evaluation item is set as the individual score. A person with a combined average score of 10 or more is judged to be (A).
All. The major examination (70 points) is divided into a major examination Ⅰ (document examination) and a major examination Ⅱ (open lecture). The judge committee consists of five judges (three professors in the university and two outside experts). For those who have been awarded a () decision in the basic examination, the examination shall be divided into major examination Ⅰ (document examination) and major examination Ⅱ (open lecture). Examination I (document screening) is conducted by a judge who is judged by a professor and recruited by the professors' examination plan, and submitted to the administrative affairs department. The three candidates excluding the highest score and the lowest score by evaluation item (research result, career, The average score shall be the individual score, and the major examination Ⅱ (open lecture) shall be the average score excluding the highest score and the lowest score for each judge. The open lecture is based on the sum of the basic examination and the major examination score, and is evaluated only for those who are within the upper third.
la. Interview screening (10 points) is conducted by the interview panel. The average score of the three people excluding the highest score and the lowest score for each interviewer is the individual score.
hemp. The score calculation at the time of screening judging by judges will be calculated as the average of the total of the scores except for the average of the 3-person evaluation and the 4-person sightseeing peak.
bar. In the field of employment where there is only one applicant, it is possible to carry out both the basic examination and major examination Ⅰ.
four. The decision of successful applicants is based on the sum of the basic examination, the major examination and the interview examination score in order of the highest score.
2. Detailed examination criteria by examination procedure
end. The examination of the documents shall be conducted by the faculty recruitment announcement, whether the qualification is fulfilled, whether the research achievement is satisfied, and whether the required documents are met. The examination shall be conducted by the Academic Dean, but shall be judged as possible or not.
I. The basic examination is based on the basic examination standard sheet. Only those who have a combined score of 10 or more are judged to be possible, and the major examination is conducted. The grading and examination criteria are as follows.
1) Conformity of final thesis: 5 points
(80% or more matches: 5 points, 60% or more matches: 4 points, 40% or more matches: 3 points, 20% or more matches: 2 points, less than 20%
2) Bachelor's degree, master's degree, doctor's degree (major)
(1 point, 1 point, 1 point, 2 points, 2 points, 4 points). However, according to the degree of agreement degree, the degree of agreement was 1 point, 0.5 point, 0 point, 1, 0.5, and 2, 1, 0.5, and 4, 2, and 1, respectively.
3) Agreement with the research paper: 5 points (80% or more: 5 points, 60% or more: 4 points, 40% or more: 3 points, less than 40%
4) Recent career match: 5 points (80% or more matches: 5 points, 60% or more matches: 4 points, 40% or more matches: 3 points, less than 40%
All. The major examination shall be based on the examination standard of each major, and the basic examination score and the major examination Ⅰ (document examination) score shall be added together, and the major examination Ⅱ (open lecture) shall be continued only within the upper third.
1) Examination of the Major Examination (I) shall examine the following documents in writing.
A) Research results: 35 points
B) Career examination: 10 points
C) Professor composition situation: 5 points
D) Generator Daesung: 10 points
2) Examination of the majors (Ⅱ) (10 points) will be held in open lecture format.
3) Detailed examination details are as follows.
A) Research results (35 points)
(1) Target: All achievements within the last 4 years (based on the initial publicity date) in accordance with the field of application must be submitted, but at least 200% must be recognized. Less than 200% submitter is excluded from examination. The paper published at the announcement date will be recognized and the degree of conformity with the field of application will be evaluated. However, the dental college accepts 200% of doctoral dissertations and 100% of master's theses as of the date of submission.
(2) Research Result Score Conversion Rate: The formula for calculating the research result score is (reflectance rate of cooperative researchers) × (reflectance rate of academic journals) × (quality coefficient of research achievement) ×
(A) Reflected number of researchers
(A) 100% of single research, 70% of two artificial researches, 50% of artificial researches, 30% of joint researches of 4 or more students, 10%
(B) First author: 80% artificial copper, 60% artificial copper, 40% more than 4 persons, 20% more than 10 persons,
연구 Unless the first author is specified, researches that are regarded as the first author according to the order of authors and that have not been published in the form of booklets or papers will not be accepted. If there is a correspondent author, the correspondent author and the first author are equally recognized.
(B) Scientific paper score reflectance
(A) Internationally renowned journals (SCI, A & HCI, SSCI): 10 points per copy
⒝ Other international journals (journals based on SCIE, Index Medidcus, and international eminent journals): 6 points per copy
등 Listed in the Scientific Promotion Foundation (Candidate) Journal: 6 points per 1
⒟ Academic Promotion Foundation Non-listed National Academic Journals (up to 3): 2 points per copy
⒠ Major book (ISBN listed or equivalent publishing conditions included, revised edition, supplemented edition excluded): 7 points per copy
⒡ Major translations, compilation (including ISBN entries or equivalents): 3 points per copy (up to 3 copies)
⒢ Major Research Report (up to 2 credits)
⒣ Major related to the patent (up to 2): 1 point
심 The criteria for examination of arts and physical education series (research, presentation, exhibition, entrance, etc.) shall be determined separately.
에 Only 200% of doctoral dissertations and 100% of master's theses are granted to dental schools.
(C) Quality factor of research achievement: The quality coefficient of research achievement is evaluated as 100%, 90% and 80%.
(D) Conformity of the research achievement to the recruiting field: The degree of agreement with the research achievement is 100%, 65% and 30%.
B) Career examination (10 points)
(1) Target: Within the last 5 years (based on the application deadline), the overlapping career should be evaluated only for one advantageous career, and the career less than 6 months should be excluded from the evaluation.
(2) Criteria for detailed scoring
(A) Educational experience of full-time lecturer at a 4-year university: 2 points per year
(B) Educational experience over a full-time lecturer at a college: 1.5 points per year
(C) 1 hour or more per week for a lecturer at a 4-year college or university, 1 point for 6 hours or more, 0.3 points for 3 hours or more
(D) National or public research institutes or equivalent research laboratories related to the field of employment Work Experience: Responsible person researcher 1.5 points or more per year, 1 point per person or less per year, General researcher 1 point per year
(E) Training of the official institution after obtaining a doctoral degree Experience: 1 point per year
(F) Visiting professors (visiting professors, etc.) under the Higher Education Act, plus associate professors Work Experience: 1 point per year
(Except for doctoral and doctoral research experience, but dental college recognizes doctoral studies as research experience): 1 point per year
C) Professor composition (5 points) - Adoption of new professor
(1) More than two-thirds of students from the same undergraduate and doctorate degree: 2 points
(2) More than two-thirds of students from the same university: 3 points
(3) More than two-thirds of students from the same university have degrees: 4 points
(4) Not all of the above: 5 points
D) Generator Daesung (10 points) - Evaluate A (2 points), B (1.6 points), C (1.2 points) and D (0.8 points) on the following examinations such as research and student guidance after recruitment.
(1) Expected contribution to department development: 2 points
(2) Student map contribution Estimated degree: 2 points
(3) Expected contribution to academic development: 2 points
(4) Estimation of research ability: 2 points
(5) Potential for development: 2 points
E) Open lecture (10 points) - 40 minutes for lecture and 10 minutes for lecture and student, and the lecture will be given three topics so that the applicant can choose one. The evaluation is based on A (2.5 points), B (2.0 points), C (1.5 points), and D (1.0 points). However, the data utilization rate among the evaluation items is A (2.5 points), B (2.0 points) and C (1.5 points).
(1) Familiarity with presentation: 2.5 points
(2) Confidence in presentation: 2.5 points
(3) Presentation ability: 2.5 points
(4) Data utilization rate: 2.5 points
la. The interview examination (10 points) is evaluated as A (3.0江陵大学専任教員の教授新規採用審査基準
(学士一致:1点、修士一致:2点、博士一致:2点、修士・博士統合課程一致:4点)ただし一致度の割合に応じて、学士の一致度は1点、0.5点、0点、修士一致度は2点、 1点、0.5点、博士一致度は2点、1点、0.5点、修士・博士統合課程一致度は4点、2点、1点とする。
(1)対象:募集分野と一致する最新の4年以内に(最初の公告の日基準)のすべてのシルジョクムルを提出するが、200%以上認められなければならない。 200%未満の提出者は、審査対象から除外する。公告日現在出版された論文は、認めて募集分野と一致度を評価する。ただし、歯科大学は書類提出日現在通過した博士論文は200%、修士論文は、100%に認める。
⒝その他の国際学術誌(SCIE、Index Medidcusおよび国際著名学術誌に準ずる学術誌):1本当たり6点
c)教授の構成(5点) - 新規教授採用は、学科の教授補充による
d)発電機大成(10点) - 採用後の研究や学生指導など、次審査の事項についてA(2点)、B(1.6点)、C(1.2点)、D(0.8点)で評価する。
e)公開講座(10点) - 審査員や学生を対象に、講義40分、質疑応答10分とし、講義は3つの主題を付与して志願者が1つを選択するようにする。審査は、A(2.5点)、B(2.0点)、C(1.5点)、D(1.0点)で評価する。ただし、評価項目のうち材料の利用率は、A(2.5点)、B(2.0点)、C(1.5点)とする。
Kō-ryō daigaku sen'nin kyōin no kyōju shinki saiyō shinsa kijun 1. Sen'nin kyōin no shinki nin'yō shinsa tetsudzuki ga. Shorui shinsa wa, kyōmu sho-chō shukan-ka kyōmu-ka de shorui mitasu ka dō ka o `shorui shinsa chōsho' ni yori shinsa suru. Watashi. Kiso shinsa (20-ten) wa, shinsa-in 5-ri (gakunai no kyōju 3-ri, gaibu no senmonka 2-ri) o sōchō ga ishoku shite jisshi shi, kiso shinsa-in wa, kyōju no shinki saiyō `kiso shinsa pyonjonpyo' ni yotte shinsa shita nochi kyōmu-ka ni teishutsu shite, hyōka kōmoku-goto ni saikō tokuten to saitei tokuten o nozoita 3-ri no heikin sukoa o kojin sukoa to suru. Gassan heikin sukoa ga 10-ten ijō no mono ga (ka) de hantei suru.Dearu. Senkō shinsa (70-ten) wa, senkō shinsa Ⅰ (shorui shinsa) to senkō shinsa Ⅱ (kōkai kōza) de sorezore kubun shite, shinsa iin 5-ri (gakunai no kyōju 3-ri, gaibu no senmonka 2-ri) de sōchō ga ishoku suru. Kiso shinsade wa (ka) hantei o uketa mono ni taishi, senkō shinsa Ⅰ (shorui shinsa) to senkō shinsa Ⅱ (kōkai kōza) ni kubun shite jisshi suru. Senkō shinsa Ⅰ (shorui shinsa) wa, shinsa-in ga kyōju shinki saiyō `senkō shinsa pyonjonpyo' ni yotte shinsa shite kyōmu-ka ni teishutsu shi, hyōka kōmoku-betsu (kenkyū jisseki, kyaria, hatsudenki Taisei) de saikō sukoa to saitei sukoa o nozoita 3-ri no heikin sukoa o kojin sukoa to shi, senkō shinsa ⅱ (kōkai kōza) wa, shinsa-in-goto ni saikō tokuten to saitei tokuten o nozoita heikin sukoa to suru. Kōkai kōza wa, kiso shinsa to senmon shinsa tensū o gassan shite, jōi 3 baisū inaidearu mono ni kagitte shinsa suru. Nasai. Mensetsu shinsa (10-ten) wa, mensetsu iinkai de jisshi shi, kaku mensetsu iin-goto ni saikō tokuten to saitei tokuten o nozoita 3-ri no heikin sukoa o kojin sukoa to suru. Yo. Shinsa suteppu shinsa-in ketsuin-ji sukoa no keisan wa, 3-ri no hyōka-ji no heikin, 4 inpyon kashi pīku o nozoita sukoa no gōkei no heikin de keisan suru. Bā. Shigan-sha ga 1-ri saiyō bun'ya wa, kiso shinsa oyobi senkō Ⅰ shinsa o dōjini okonau koto ga dekiru.-Sha. Gōkaku-sha no kettei wa, kiso shinsa, senmon shinsa to mensetsu shinsa no tokuten o kasan suru koto ni yori,-kō tokuten no jun to suru. 2. Shinsa tetsudzuki-betsu no shōsaina shinsa kijun ga. Shorui shinsa wa, kyōju no kyūjin ni yoru shikaku ka dō ka, kenkyū shirujokumuru mitasu ka dō ka, hitsuyō shorui mitasu ka dō ka o shinsa shi, shinsa wa kyōmu sho-chō ga shukan suruga, ga (ka) matawa bu (hi) to hantei suru. Watashi. Kiso shinsa wa kiso shinsa pyonjonpyo ni motodzuki kōmoku betsu shinsa shite gassan tensū 10-ten ijō no mono nomi ga (ka) to hantei shite senkō shinsa o jisshi shi, kōmoku betsu haiten to shinsa kijun wa ikanotōridearu. 1) Saishū-tekina gakui ronbun no itchi-do: 5-Ten (80-pāsento ijō no itchi: 5-Ten, 60-pāsento ijō no itchi: 4-Ten, 40-pāsento ijō no itchi: 3-Ten, 20-pāsento ijō no itchi: 2-Ten, 20-pāsento-miman no itchi: 1-Ten) 2) gakushi, shūshi, hakase shusshingakka (senkō) itchi-do: 5-Ten (gakushi itchi: 1-Ten, shūshi itchi: 2-Ten, hakase itchi: 2-Ten, shūshi hakase tōgō katei itchi: 4-Ten) tadashi itchi-do no wariai ni ōjite, gakushi no itchi-do wa 1-ten, 0. 5-Ten, 0-ten, shūshi itchi-do wa 2-ten, 1-ten, 0. 5-Ten, hakase itchi-do wa 2-ten, 1-ten, 0. 5-Ten, shūshi hakase tōgō katei itchi-do wa 4-ten, 2-ten, 1-ten to suru. 3) Kenkyū ronbun itchi-do: 5-Ten (80-pāsento ijō no itchi: 5-Ten, 60-pāsento ijō no itchi: 4-Ten, 40-pāsento ijō no itchi: 3-Ten, 40-pāsento-miman no itchi: 2-Ten) 4) saikin no kyaria no matchingu: 5-Ten (80-pāsento ijō no itchi: 5-Ten, 60-pāsento ijō no itchi: 4-Ten, 40-pāsento ijō no itchi: 3-Ten, 40-pāsento-miman no itchi: 2-Ten) dearu. Senkō shinsa wa, kaku senkō no shinsa pyonjonpyo ni motodzuki shinsa shi kiso shinsa sukoa to senkō shinsa Ⅰ (shorui shinsa) no sukoa o kasan suru koto ni yori, jōi 3 haisui inai no mono ni kagiri senkō shinsa Ⅱ (kōkai kōza) o tsudzukeru. 1) Senkō no shinsa hyōtei (Ⅰ ) wa,-ji no jikō o shorui ni shinsa suru. Ga) kenkyū gyōseki: 35-Ten b) kyaria shinsa: 10-Ten c) kyōju no kōsei jōkyō: 5-Ten d) hatsudenki Taisei: 10-Ten 2) senkō no shinsa hyōtei (Ⅱ ) (10-ten) wa, kōkai kōza no katachi de shinsa suru. 3) Shōsai shinsa uchiwake wa tsugi no tōridearu. Ga) kenkyū gyōseki (35-ten) (1 ) taishō: Boshū bun'ya to itchi suru saishin no 4-nen inai ni (saisho no kōkoku no hi kijun) no subete no shirujokumuru o teishutsu suruga, 200-pāsento ijō mitome rarenakereba naranai. 200-Pāsento-miman no teishutsu-sha wa, shinsa taishō kara jogai suru. Kōkoku nichigenzai shuppan sa reta ronbun wa, mitomete boshū bun'ya to itchi-do o hyōka suru. Tadashi, shika daigaku wa shorui teishutsubi genzai tsūka shita hakushironbun wa 200%, shūshi ronbun wa, 100-pāsento ni shitatameru. (2 ) Kenkyū gyōseki sukoa kansan-ritsu: Kenkyū jisseki sukoa sanshutsu-shiki wa,(kyōdō kenkyūshasū han'ei-ritsu) × (gakujutsu zasshi no hyōka han'ei-ritsu) × (kenkyū shirujokumuru no shitsu keisū) × (kenkyū shirujokumuru no saiyō bun'ya itchi-do) to suru. (Ga) kenkyūshasū han'ei-ritsu ⒜ tandoku kenkyū 100%, 2 jinkō dō kenkyū 70%, 3 jinkō dō kenkyū 50%, 4-ri ijō no kyōdō kenkyū 30%, 10-ri ijō no 10-pāsento ⒝ dai 1 choshadearu baai, 2 jinkō dō 80%, 3 jinkō dō 60%, 4-ri ijō 40%, 10-ri ijō 20-pāsento ⒞ dai 1 chosha ga meiji sa rete inai baai wa, chosha no hairetsu jun ni ōjite, dai 1 choshadearu to kangaete sasshi ya ronbun no katachi de kōkai sa rete inai kenkyū-mono to keisai yotei wa mitomenai. Tadashi kōshin chosha ga iru baai ni wa, kōshin chosha to dai 1 chosha no kintō ni shitatameru (watashi wa) gakujutsu-shi sukoa han'ei-ritsu ⒜ kokusai chomei gakujutsu-shi (SCI, A& HCI, SSCI): 1-Pon atari 10-ten ⒝ sonohoka no kokusai gakujutsu-shi (SCIE, Index Medidcus oyobi kokusai chomei gakujutsu-shi ni junzuru gakujutsu-shi): 1-Pon atari 6-ten ⒞ gakujutsu shinkō zaidan tōroku (kōho) no gakujutsu-shi: 1-Pon atari 6-ten ⒟ gakujutsu shinkō zaidan hi tōsai zenkoku kibo no gakujutsu-shi (3-hen made mitome): 1-Pon atari 2-ten ⒠ senkō chosho (ISBN tōsai matawa dōtō shuppan jōken sonae, kaichōban, zōho-ban o nozoku): 1-Pon atari 7-ten ⒡ senkō hon'yaku-sho, hencho (ISBN tōsai matawa dōtō shuppan-ken sonae): 1-Pon atari 3-ten (3-hen made nintei) ⒢ senkō kanren kenkyū hōkoku-sho (2-hen made nintei): 1-Pon atari no sekinin kenkyū-in ga, 1-ten ⒣ senkō kanren tokkyo (2-hen made nintei): 1-Pon atari 1-ten ⒤ geijutsu taiiku-kei jitsugi (kenkyū, happyō, nokia, nyūsen nado) ni kansuru shinsa kijun wa betsuni sadameru ⒥ shika daigaku ni kagitte hakushironbun wa 200%, shūshi ronbun wa, 100-pāsento de mitome rarete ori, gakujutsu shinkō zaidan tōsai gakujutsu-shi to onaji sukoa o fuyo suru. (C ) kenkyū shirujokumuru no shitsu keisū: Kenkyū shirujokumuru no shitsu keisū wa ue (100%),-chū (90%), ha (80-pāsento) de hyōka suru. (D ) kenkyū shirujokumuru no saiyō bun'ya itchi-do: Kenkyū shirujokumuru no saiyō bun'ya itchi-do wa ue (100%),-chū (65%), ha (30-pāsento) de hyōka suru. Watashi) kyaria shinsa (10-ten) (1 ) taishō: Saikin 5-nen inai ni (shimekiri kijun) kyaria to shi, jūfuku suru kyaria wa, yūrina kyaria ka ni nomi hyōka shi, 6-kagetsu-miman no kyaria wa, hyōka taishō kara jogai suru. (2 ) Shōsai haiten kijun (ga) 4 nensei daigaku de sen'nin kōshi ijō no kyōiku-reki: 1-Nen ni 2-ten (b ) senmon daigaku de sen'nin kōshi ijō no kyōiku-reki: 1-Nen ni 1. 5-Ten (c ) 4 nensei daigaku, senmon daigaku de hijōkin kōshi kyaria (1-nen-atari): Shū 10-jikan ijō 1-ten, 6-jikan ijō 0. 6-Ten, 3-jikan ijō 0. 3-Ten (d ) no saiyō bun'ya ni kanren suru kokkōritsu kenkyūjo matawa dōtō no kenkyūjo kinmu keireki: Sekininsha-kyū kenkyū-in ijō 1-nen ni 1. 5-Ten, jun sekininsha-kyū 1-nen ni 1-ten, ippantekina kenkyū-kyū 1-nen ni 1-ten (e ) hakushigō shutoku-go, kōshiki kikan no kenshū keiken: 1-Nen ni 1-ten (bā) kōtō kyōiku-hō ni yoru shōhei kyōin (kakuinkyōju nado), ken'nin kyōin no kinmu keireki: 1-Nen ni 1-ten shadanhoujin ni kuwaete, kyaria no kijun wa, kyōju no shikaku kijun nado ni kansuru kitei ni kisai sa saidai-hi tekiyō (shūshi hakushikatei kenkyū no kyaria o nozoku, tadashi shika daigaku wa hakushikatei o kenkyū no kyaria ni nintei): 1-Nen ni 1-ten c) kyōju no kōsei (5-ten) - shinki kyōju saiyō wa, gakka no kyōju hojū ni yoru (1 ) dō ichi daigaku gakubu to hakushigō shusshin-sha ga 3-bun'no 2 o koete: 2-Ten (2 ) dō 一大学学部出身者 Ga 3-bun'no 2 o koete: 3-Ten (3 ) dō 一大学博士号出身者 Ga 3-bun'no 2 o koete: 4-Ten (4 ) jōki no jikō subete ni gaitō shinai baai: 5-Ten d) hatsudenki taisei (10-ten) - saiyō-go no kenkyū ya gakusei shidō nado,-ji shinsa no jikō ni tsuite A (2-ten), B (1 . 6-Ten), C (1 . 2-Ten), D (0 . 8-Ten) de hyōka suru. (1 ) Gakka no hatten ni kōken yosō mo: 2-Ten (2 ) seito shidō kōken yosō mo: 2-Ten (3 ) chōsa no hatten ni kōken yosō mo: 2-Ten (4 ) kenkyū nōryoku yosō mo: 2-Ten (5 ) hatsuden no senzai-tekina kanōsei: 2-Ten e) kōkai kōza (10-ten) - shinsa-in ya gakusei o taishō ni, kōgi 40-bu, shitsugi ōtō 10-bu to shi, kōgi wa 3ttsu no shudai o fuyo shite shigan-sha ga 1tsu o sentaku suru yō ni suru. Shinsa wa, A (2 . 5-Ten), B (2 . 0-Ten), C (1 . 5-Ten), D (1 . 0-Ten) de hyōka suru. Tadashi, hyōka kōmoku no uchi zairyō no riyō-ritsu wa, A (2 . 5-Ten), B (2 . 0-Ten), C (1 . 5-Ten) to suru. (1 ) Happyō naiyō no jukuchi-do: 2. 5-Ten (2 ) happyō naiyō ni jishin o mo~tsu: 2. 5-Ten (3 ) happyō nōryoku: 2. 5-Ten (4 ) shiryō no riyō-ritsu: 2. 5-Ten nasai. Mensetsu shinsa (10-ten) wa,-ji no shinsa jikō ni tsuite A (3 . 0-Ten), B (2 . 5-Ten), C (2 . 0-Ten), D (1 . 5-Ten) de hyōka suru. Tadashi Kō-ryō chiiki jōchū suru kanōsei wa A (4 . 0-Ten), B (3 . 5-Ten), C (3 . 0-Ten), D (2 . 5-Ten) de hyōka suru. 1) Ishi no happyō no seikaku-sei, ronri-sei: 3-Ten 2) yōshi, kaiteki-sa, kōdō,oyobi seijitsu: 3-Ten 3) Kō-ryō chiiki jōchū no kanōsei: 4-Ten 3. Gōkaku-sha kettei ○ kiso, senkō, mensetsu shinsa no kekka o awaseta sukoa no shōhei bun'ya betsu saikō tokuten jun'i de 1, 2, 3 no rankingu o kettei shi, 1 jun'i-sha o jinji iinkai ni fugi suru. Senjun'i-sha ni kekkaku jiyū hassei-ji chasun'u~ija to suru. (Tadashi, chasun'u~ija ga kyohi no ishi o akiraka ni baai saiyō o chūshi suru) points), B (2.5 points), C (2.0 points), and D (1.5 points). The probability of staying in the Gangneung area is evaluated as A (4.0), B (3.5), C (3.0), and D (2.5).
1) Accuracy and logicality of doctor's announcement: 3 points
2) appearance, courtesy, conduct and integrity: 3 points
3) Potential residence in Gangneung: 4 points
3. Determine successful applicants
○ The top scoring list of the total score of basic, major, and interview screening is decided by 1, 2, and 3, and the 1st person is appointed to the personnel committee. If a prospective employer has a reason for disqualification, he / she shall be a successor.
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