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농업정책자금 - 농협대출 비가림 시설
- 농업종합자금(시설자금)
- ㆍ대출대상자 : 농업인, 농업법인
- ㆍ대출금액 : 총 사업비의 80% 이내
- ㆍ대출금리 : 고정 2.0% 또는 6개월 변동금리 중 선택
- ㆍ대출기간 : 13년 (3년거치 10년원리금상환)
- ㆍ대출사무소 : 농협은행, 농축협
- ※ 대출 지원 제외자
- ㆍ대출 지원 제외자는 농업자금안내→농업정책자금→종합자금에서 확인
- 시설원예품질개선사업(FTA)
- ㆍ대출대상자 : 농업경영 정보를 등록한 고추 재배 경영체로써 사업주관기관에서 <고추비가림 재배시설> 사업대상자로 선정된
농업경영체 - ㆍ지원용도 : - 고추비가림 재배시설
- -『원예특작시설 내재해형 규격 설계도·시방서』의 내재해형 비닐하우스로써 지역별 설계기준에 적합한 시설
(관수시설 및 자동개폐기 포함 <보온·난방 시설은 제외>) - ㆍ대출한도 : 사업주관기관으로부터 통보받은 금액 이내
- ㆍ대출금리 : 고정 2.0% 또는 6개월 변동금리 중 선택
- ㆍ대출기간 : 10년 ( 3년거치 7년원금균등상환)
- ㆍ대출사무소 : 농협은행, 농축협
- ※ 대출 지원 제외자
- ㆍ토지구입 및 부지조성 비용, 시설장비 임차료, 전기인입시 기본거리(200m) 초과분
- ㆍ단동형 및 이동형 온실 현대화 원칙적으로 제외
- ㆍ전기·유류·가스 냉난방기, 농기계, 저온유통 차량, 소모성 자재 등 사업목적에 부합되지 않는 시설 및 장비 등
- ㆍ예냉·저장·선별시설, 골조, 피복필름 등
- ㆍ‘농업에너지이용효율화사업’등 유사사업 지원 대상 품목
- 農業政策資金 - 農協ローン雨よけ施設
- 対象者農協選定資金
- 農業総合資金(設備資金)
- ㆍローン対象者:農業、農業法人
- 及び融資額:総事業費の80%以内
- 及び貸出金利:固定2.0%または6ヶ月の変動金利の選択
- 及び貸出期間:13年(3年据え置き10年元利金償還)
- ㆍローン事務所:農協銀行、ノンチュクヒョプ
- ※ローンサポートジェウェジャ
- 及びローンサポートを除く者、農業資金案内→農業政策資金→総合資金で確認
- 対象者行政機関選定資金
- 施設園芸品質改善事業(FTA)
- 施設園芸品質改善事業(FTA)
- ㆍローン対象者:農業経営情報を登録した唐辛子の栽培経営体としての事業主管機関で<唐辛子雨よけ栽培施設>事業対象者に選定された
- 農業経営体
- ・支援用途: - 唐辛子雨リム栽培施設
- - 「ガーデニング特作施設内の災害型規格設計・仕様書」の内の災害型ビニールハウスとして地域の設計基準に適合施設
- (散水設備と自動開閉装置を含む<保温・暖房を除く>)
- ㆍローン限度:事業主管機関から通報を受けた金額以内
- 及び貸出金利:固定2.0%または6ヶ月の変動金利の選択
- 及び貸出期間:10年(3年据え置き7年元金均等返済)
- ㆍローン事務所:農協銀行、ノンチュクヒョプ
- ※ローンサポートジェウェジャ
- 及び土地の購入と敷地造成費、施設設備の賃借料、電気的な入試基本距離(200m)超過分
- 及び単動形と持ち運びに便利な温室近代化、原則として除く
- 及び電気・石油・ガス冷暖房機、農業機械、低温流通車両、消耗性資材などの事業目的に合致しない施設や設備など
- 及び予冷・貯蔵・選別設備、フレーミング、被覆フィルムなど
- 及び「農業、エネルギー利用の効率化事業」など類似の事業支援対象品目
- Agricultural Policy Fund - Nonghyup Loan Non-Rim Facilities
- Targeted Nonghyup selected funds
- Agricultural total fund (facility fund)
- ㆍ Loan target: farmer, agricultural corporation
- ㆍ Loan amount: Within 80% of total project cost
- ㆍ Loan rate: Fixed 2.0% or 6-month floating interest rate
- ㆍ Loan period: 13 years (repayment of principal and interest for 10 years)
- ㆍ Loan Office: Nonghyup Bank, Agricultural Cooperative
- ※ Loan support excluded
- ㆍ Loan support exemption is confirmed from Agricultural Funds → Agricultural Policy Fund → Total Funds
- Targeted Administrative Agency Selection Fund
- Facilities Horticultural Quality Improvement Project (FTA)
- Facilities Horticultural Quality Improvement Project (FTA)
- ㆍ Loan target: Red pepper cultivation management entity that registered agriculture management information, and was selected as the subject of <Red pepper Rain Forest Growing Facility>
- Agricultural management body
- ㆍ Application: - Red pepper rain forest cultivation facility
- - Disaster type vinyl house of "disaster type standard design specification specification specification in special gardening facility", facility suitable for local design standard
- (Including irrigation facilities and automatic switch <excluding heating and heating facilities)
- ㆍ Loan limit: within the amount notified from the business organizing authority
- ㆍ Loan rate: Fixed 2.0% or 6-month floating interest rate
- ㆍ Borrowing period: 10 years (3-year grace period 7 years repayment of principal)
- ㆍ Loan Office: Nonghyup Bank, Agricultural Cooperative
- ※ Loan support excluded
- ㆍ Expenses for land purchase and site creation, equipment rental, exceeding basic distance (200m) for electricity entrance
- ㆍ Modernization of single-acting type and mobile type greenhouse is excluded in principle
- ㆍ Facilities and equipments that do not meet business purposes such as electricity, oil, gas, air conditioning, agricultural machinery, low-temperature distribution vehicles, consumable materials, etc.
- ㆍ Precooling, storage, screening facilities, framing, coating film, etc.
- ㆍ Items to be supported for similar projects such as 'Agricultural Energy Utilization Project'
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