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농업 정책자금 지원 - 농협대출 축산분뇨 처리자금
- 지원목적
- - 축산분뇨의 적정처리로 자연 및 생활환경 보전과 수질오염 방지
- - 축산분뇨를 유기질비료로 자원화하여 친환경농업 장려
- 대출조건
구 분 개별ㆍ공동자원화 시설 금리 2% (조사료생산기반확충, 가축분뇨처리시설지원, 축사시설현대화, 축산경영종합자금)
1.8% (농가사료직거래활성화, 긴급경영안정자금)
4% (민간기업)기간 3년 거치 7년균분상환 - 대출사무소 : 농협은행 시.군지부(지점), 지역 농.축협
- 개별시설 : 축산농가, 축산단지, 축산계열화사업체, 영농조합법인, 농업회사법인, 지역 농ㆍ축협
- 공동자원화시설 : 영농조합법인, 농업회사법인, 농ㆍ축협, 민간법인(상법상법인)
- 사업신청
- - 개별시설(농가) : 시군, 구
- - 개별시설(법인체 등) : 시, 도
- - 공동자원화시설 : 농림축산식품부
- 지원대상자 선정
- - 시장, 군수 등은 사업신청서를 종합적으로 검토하여 우선순위를 정하여 대상자 선정.
- 資金導入
- サポート目的
- - 畜産糞尿の適正処理に自然と生活環境の保全と水質汚染防止
- - 畜産糞尿を有機質肥料として資源化して環境にやさしい農業を奨励
- 融資条件
- 区分個別及び共同資源化施設
- 金利2%(粗飼料生産基盤の拡充、家畜糞尿処理施設支援、畜舎施設の近代化、畜産経営の総合資金)
- 1.8%(農家飼料直取引の活性化、緊急経営安定資金)
- 4%(民間企業)
- 期間3年据え置き7年均分返済
- ローン事務所:農協銀行市・郡支部(支店)、地元の農畜産協同組合
- ローン対象者
- 個別施設:畜産農家、畜産団地、畜産系列企業、営農組合法人、農業会社法人、地域農及び畜産協同組合
- 共同資源化施設:営農組合法人、農業会社法人、農及び畜産協同組合、民間法人(商法商法の)
- ローンの手続き
- 事業の申請
- - 個々の施設(農家):郡、区
- - 個々の施設(法人等):時、図
- - 共同資源化施設:農林畜産食品部
- 支援対象者選定
- - 市場、軍需などは事業申請書を総合的に検討して、優先順位を定めて対象者の選定
- Introduction of funds
- Purpose of Support
- - Preservation of natural and living environment and prevention of water pollution by appropriate treatment of livestock manure
- - Promote eco-friendly agriculture by converting livestock manure into organic fertilizer
- Loan condition
- Classification Individual and co-resources facility
- Interest rate 2% (expansion of production base for forage, support for livestock manure treatment facility, modernization of housing facility, comprehensive management of livestock management)
- 1.8% (Activation of direct farm feed, emergency fund for stable management)
- 4% (private enterprise)
- Duration 3 year installment 7 year balance payment
- Loan Office: Nonghyup Bank City, County Branch (branch), Local Nong Agricultural Cooperative
- Subject to loan
- Individual facilities: livestock farm, livestock farm, livestock affiliation business, agricultural cooperative corporation, agricultural corporation corporation, local agricultural cooperatives
- Joint Recycling Facility: Agricultural Cooperatives Corporation, Agricultural Corporation Corporation, Agricultural and Livestock Cooperatives, Private Corporations (Commercial Laws Act)
- Loan procedure
- Business Application
- - Individual facility (farmhouse): City, District
- - Individual facilities (corporations, etc.): City, province
- - Recycling facilities: Agriculture, Forestry and Livestock
- Selection of Supported Persons
- - Market, municipalities, etc. should review the application form and set priorities for selection
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